GDN:Freedom joy for man jailed in terror case

Freedom joy for man jailed in terror case
By Geoffrey Bew
Published: 16th July 2008
A BAHRAINI man convicted of terrorism charges in Dubai was yesterday celebrating his first full day of freedom with his family after being released from prison.
Freedom joy for man jailed in terror case
By Geoffrey Bew
Published: 16th July 2008
A BAHRAINI man convicted of terrorism charges in Dubai was yesterday celebrating his first full day of freedom with his family after being released from prison.
Adel Mohammed Mahmood Abdulkhaliq, 26, was jailed for two years for trying to import electronic equipment that could be used for a terrorist attack. He served most his prison term in the UAE, before being transferred to Bahrain to complete the final six months of his sentence.
The Al Adala (Justice) National Movement Society closely followed his case and lawyer Abdulla Hashim said he was delighted he had been released.
“We had followed up with his case and were in contact with his lawyer in the UAE,” he said.
“We will hold a reception for him on Tuesday in Arad to celebrate his release with his family and Adala members.”
Mr Abdulkhaliq has always maintained his innocence since his arrest in January last year, after being caught with a television and stereo fuses.
He said he took the equipment to the UAE legally and did not have any terrorist intentions.
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