Call to International community: Detained activists and political prisoners on hunger strike in Bahrain

29 Jan 2012
Bahrain Center for Human Rights calls for an urgent intervention from the international community to put an end to the continues violations of human rights, including but not limited to, the continued detention of hundreds of political detainees in appalling conditions, despite the acknowledgment of the BICI report that confirmed that they were subject to arrests and torture on the back of practicing illegitimate rights to freedom of expression and assembly. The international community’s silence over the Bahraini regime’s continuous crimes is leading the people of Bahrain to take desperate measures risking their own lives.
14 activists who were detained since last March have announced their intention to start a hunger strike starting today January 29th, 2012 for one week until February 4th, 2012 in protest to the continued suppression of the people of Bahrain
29 Jan 2012
Bahrain Center for Human Rights calls for an urgent intervention from the international community to put an end to the continues violations of human rights, including but not limited to, the continued detention of hundreds of political detainees in appalling conditions, despite the acknowledgment of the BICI report that confirmed that they were subject to arrests and torture on the back of practicing illegitimate rights to freedom of expression and assembly. The international community’s silence over the Bahraini regime’s continuous crimes is leading the people of Bahrain to take desperate measures risking their own lives.
14 activists who were detained since last March have announced their intention to start a hunger strike starting today January 29th, 2012 for one week until February 4th, 2012 in protest to the continued suppression of the people of Bahrain including the continued arbitrary detention, the unfair trials, the sentencing of innocent people for peacefully protesting demanding rights and the continued policy of starvation of the people through the unfair dismissal and suspension from work. There are concerns over the health of the activists who will be on hunger strike; AbdulJaleel AlSingace, who suffers from poliomyelitis, has previously suffered a heart attack after going on an earlier hunger strike; Hassan Mushaima, 63 years old, was not able to receive the required medication for cancer which he had in 2010, and there are fears the cancer might return; Mohamed Jawad Barweez could be the eldest detainee of over 65 years of age, his family has raised concerns over his health as well. In addition, they still suffer from the effects of the torture as stated in the report of the independent commission of inquiry. It’s not expected that medical care will be provided to them if needed at the prison, as made evident from previous cases.
This hunger strike started in a wave by the political leaders detained, many prisoners including those held in Jaw and the central region prisons have announced their solidarity and will join this hunger strike. The families of the political leaders have also announced that they too will join, and members of Bahrain youth society for human rights, will be joining this hunger strike as well.
BCHR holds the international community responsible for any consequences on the life of the 14 activists and the political prisoners joining the hunger strike. BCHR calls for immediate urgent action and demands that:
– The immediate release of all political detainees who have been detained tortured and sentenced in unfair military trials for practicing a basic right and peacefully protesting.
– Stop the continued violations of human rights in Bahrain including the violent suppression of peaceful protests, continued arbitrary detention, and the unfair trials and sentences.

The 14 activist on hunger strike:
1. Abdulwahab Hussain Ali (life sentence imprisonment)
2. Ibrahim Sharif Abdulraheem Mossa (5 Years imprisonment)
3. Hassan Ali Mushaima (life sentence imprisonment)
4. Abdulhadi Al Khawaja (life sentence imprisonment)
5. Abduljalil Abdullah Al Singace (life sentence imprisonment)
6. Mohammed Habib Al Safaf (Mohammed Habib Miqdad) ( life sentence imprisonment)
7. Saeed Mirza Ahmed ( Saeed AlNouri) ( life sentence imprisonment)
8. Abduljalil Mansoor Makk (Abdul Jalil Miqdad) (life sentence imprisonment)
9. Al Hurra Yousif Mohammed (2 Years imprisonment)
10. Abdullah Isa Al Mahroos (5 years imprisonment)
11. Salah Hubail Al Khawaj (5 years imprisonment)
12. Mohammed Hassan Jawad (15 years imprisonment)
13. Mohammed Ali Ismael (15 years imprisonment)
14. Abdul Hadi Abdullah Mahdi Hassan (Abdulhadi AlMukhodher) (15 years imprisonment)

More information:
BCHR: A special report on the torture and human rights violations against the detainees in the case of “Alliance for the Republic”
HRW: Bahrain: Independent Commissioners Urge Prisoner Release
BCHR – Report on the Treatment of Political Detainees in Bahrain’s Prisons