BYSHR: Prominent Rights Activists are in Hunger Strike in detention Protesting against the Brutal crackdown and arbitrary arrest

September 1st, 2011

In solidarity with the Medical Staff and detainees on hunger-strike in Bahrain’s Dry Dock Prison, Prominent Human Rights activists Mr.Abdulhadi Alkhawaja and Dr. Abduljaleel Alsingace today announced an open hunger-strike from their prison in Gurayn (Military Prison).

In a letter, they said that it was also in protest to the arbitrary detention, unfair trials of the detainees and Brutal crackdown

September 1st, 2011

In solidarity with the Medical Staff and detainees on hunger-strike in Bahrain’s Dry Dock Prison, Prominent Human Rights activists Mr.Abdulhadi Alkhawaja and Dr. Abduljaleel Alsingace today announced an open hunger-strike from their prison in Gurayn (Military Prison).

In a letter, they said that it was also in protest to the arbitrary detention, unfair trials of the detainees and Brutal crackdown

Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights (BYSHR) expresses its concern about the situation of detainees in Bahrain after they started an open hunger strike.

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Mr.Alkhawaja and Mr.Alsingace are currently serving life sentence along with prominent opposition leader including Mr.Ebrahime Sharife General secretary of Waad and Mr.Hassan Mushame leader of Haaq in Military Prison

Mr.Alkhawaja:was the former president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) and former MENA coordinator (frontline-Human Rights Defenders). Mr.Alsingace:Coordinator of Human Rights bureau in “Haq” movement.