190 Khaliji academics, intellectuals and political activists condemn the violations of human rights in the countries of the GCC

Civil organizations and Khaliji intellectuals demand for the release of the prisoners of opinion and political change in the region.


18 April 2011

At a time where the people of the developed world enjoy their rights fully as guaranteed by the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, the “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, and by what is included in the constitutions of their individual countries via laws that protect those natural rights of Man, and on top of such rights lie the right to free opinion and expression and the right to conduct sit-ins and peaceful protests to convey its desire. We, with regret, observe that the GCC countries,

Civil organizations and Khaliji intellectuals demand for the release of the prisoners of opinion and political change in the region.


18 April 2011

At a time where the people of the developed world enjoy their rights fully as guaranteed by the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, the “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, and by what is included in the constitutions of their individual countries via laws that protect those natural rights of Man, and on top of such rights lie the right to free opinion and expression and the right to conduct sit-ins and peaceful protests to convey its desire. We, with regret, observe that the GCC countries, having signed on some of the fore mentioned international pacts and treaties on human rights, still violate those same values mentioned in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and what has been pledged upon, by them, in front of the Human Rights Council, and what has been signed in pacts and covenants, in addition to violation of their own constitutions and related laws of governance.

The constituents needed to sustain security, stability and civil peace necessary to achieve progression and prosperity for any nation, emerges based on rational governance backed by justice, equality and reinforcement of the law, and on granting people their civil, political and economic rights, and the right to politically participate in decision making, because reliance on methods of repression, suppression and breaking the will of the people, will lead to neither security or stability, nor will it achieve development which will be far from reach for all parties.

We express our immense concern and fear for the present and future of our nations, in front of the different forms of silencing the peaceful demands of the people, demanding freedom, equality and democracy, carried out by some GCC governments, portraying in the forms of murder and arrest, abduction, torture, and unjustified lay-offs of unarmed civilians, as well as in the imprisonment of free thinkers and political figures.

At the same time as we condemn such unacceptable violations, we demand from the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council what follows:

1. The need to adopt the path of comprehensive political reform, and to pursue legal means to put together contractual constitutions that would govern the relation between the people and their rulers, guaranteeing the right to citizenship and freedom to expression including peaceful protests and demonstrations, the right to form civil society organizations and political parties, and the utilization of free and honest elections to choose parliaments that posses full legislative capacities to inscribe laws, and to procure with the task of scrutinizing and holding accountability on the performance of the executive branch of government.

2. Condemnation of all forms of violence regardless of origin, and the call to exercise the principle of democratic dialogue to solve all unresolved affairs, and the commitment of the governments to enforce all the international pacts on human rights, and what is mentioned in their constitutions and associated laws of governance.

3. The release of all who were detained in relation to peaceful political action, whether citizens, people of opinion, jurists, and political leadership, in the United Arab Emirates, The Sultanate of Oman, and the Kingdom of Bahrain. (Accompanied are lists in the names of those who are detained or missing)

4. There is a big number of detainees and prisoners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on different counts and accusations, and we demand the release of all the prisoners of free opinion and in relation to the latest peaceful protests, and the release of the (detainees of Jeddah, detainees of Khobar, members of the Islamic Commonwealth Party, and others), or allow them to face fair public trial. (Accompanied is a list of their names). As for the 5000 detainees on which light was shed lately, we demand the release of those who are not proven guilty, and the referral of the rest to fair and public trials.

Finally, we call on the leaders and nations of the GCC to be aware of the dangers of the “sectarian strife” that has been set ablaze in these countries in relation to the latest political movement, because allowing it to acquire momentum in such a foolish manner, or using it as tool in a power struggle in this period of time will annihilate all the gains accumulated by the GCC nations, as well as their present and future.

Released on the 18th of April, 2011

Signed by:

Civil and Legal organizations
The Kuwaiti Organization for Human rights
Bahrain Center for Human Rights
League of Khaliji Dialogue
League of Khaliji Citizenship
Kuwaiti Labor Umbrella (Ma’ak)
The network of Legal activists in KSA
Civil committee on human rights – KSA
Human Rights watch – KSA
“Musawat” for the education on human rights and civics education
“Human Rights First” Organization – KSA

Names of the intellectuals, jurists, political activists and human rights activists:

1. Dr. Ahmad Al Khatib – Recognized national figure
2. Mohammad Saeed Tayeb – Legal Council
3. Dr. Ghanem Al Najjar – Academic and Jurist
4. Dr. Abed Alaziz Hussein Al Souweyigh – Writer and Academic researcher
5. Ahmad Al Deen – Writer and Political analyst
6. Dr. Ahmad Abel Al Malak – Academic and Writer
7. Abed Alnabi Al Akri – President of the Bahraini Transparency organization
8. Najib Al Khunayzri – Writer and Researcher
9. Abdallah Habib – Writer and critic
10. Muhammad Al Ali – Author and Thinker
11. Abdallah Al Darazi – Member of the general secretariat for the Arab organization for Human rights
12. Abdallah Faraj Al Sharif – Researcher and writer
13. Nabeel Rajab – President of the Bahraini Center for Human Rights
14. Akel Al-Bahili – Jurist and Reformist
15. Dr. Abd Al-Hadi Khalaf – Academic and Writer
16. Professor Saud Sujayni – Researcher
17. Abdallah Al Tuya – Writer and Legal Activist
18. Dr. Tufic Al Sayf – Researcher and Writer
19. Abdallah Al Riyami – Poet and Journalist
20. Anwar Al Rashid – Political and Legal Activist
21. Dr. Abd Al Muhsin Hilal – Academic and writer
22. Salem Al Tuya – Writer and Human rights activist
23. Abd Al Wahab Saleh Al Arid – Journalist and legal activist
24. Zayed Al Zayd – Editor in Chief of the Electronic newspaper “Al-An”
25. Muhammad Yousef Al Samikh – Member of the Bahraini Organization for Human rights
26. Maha Al Burjus – Vice President of the Kuwaiti Organization for Human Rights
27. Amer Al Tamimi – Secretary of the Kuwaiti Organization for Human rights
28. Radi Al Mousawi – Writer and Member of the general secretariat of the “Wa’ad” Bahraini Organization.
29. Zaki Mansour Abou Al Saoud – Member of the Civil Committee on Human Rights
30. Dr. Falah Mudayris – Researcher and Academic – Kuwait.
31. Dr. Ibtihal Abed Al Aziz Al Khatib –Writer and Academic – Kuwait
32. Dr. Fa’eka Muhammad Badr – Academic – KSA
33. Fawziya Al Ouyouni – Legal activist
34. Wajiha Al Huwaydir – Writer and Jurist
35. Lamiss Said Dayf – Journalist and writer
36. Badi’a Kashghari – Poet
37. Aliya Al Farid – Legal Activist
38. Al Shayma’ Muhammad Saeed Tayeb – Jurist
39. Ali Aldumayni – Author and Jurist
40. Ahmad Muhammad Al Mulla – Poet
41. Ali Aldiri – Critic
42. Adnan Al Sayigh – Arab Poet
43. Amjad Naser – Arab Poet
44. Zakariyya Muhammad – Arab Poet
45. Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Kazem – Social Activist
46. Dr. Ahmad Ghuloum Ashkanani – Social Activist
47. Dr. Ali Abullah Jamal – Social Activist
48. Dr. Yousif Abed Alrasoul Bou Abbas – Social Activist
49. Dr. Imad Hussein Al Ali – Social Activist
50. Dr. Ali Yuhya Bou Majdad – Social Activist
51. Dr. Mustafa Sayyid Ahmad Al Musawi – Social Activist
52. Dr. Ahmad Abullah Al Abad – Social Activist
53. Dr. Abed Al Hakim Abed Al Rahmad Al Shaghir – Social Activist
54. Dr. Hussein Ali Al Masri – Social Activist
55. Dr. Khalil Abel Allah Ibl – Social Activist
56. Dr. Muhammad Hussein Al Fili – Social Activist
57. Dr. Yousif Kassim Habib – Social Activist
58. Dr. Yousif Sayyid Jawad – Social Activist
59. Dr. Mahmoud Abdallal Al Kazimi – Social Activist
60. Dr. Sami Naser Khalifa – Social Activist
61. Dr. Muhammad Abed Al Ghafar Al Saffar – Social Activist
62. Dr. Ahmad Hussein Ghaloum – Social Activist
63. Dr. Yousif Yakoub Bou Abbas – Social Activist
64. Dr. Ammar Muhammad Jaafar – Social Activist
65. Dr. Mansour Ghuloum Ali – Social Activist
66. Walid Sulays – Social Activist
67. Ammar Al Ma’mari – Social Activist
68. Basima Al Rajihi – Journalist and Legal activist
69. Yuhya Al Naibi – Poet and Newspaper Journalist
70. Hamad Abdullah Mubarak Al Kharusi – Poet and writer
71. Yaakoub Bin Kumays Bin Mubarak Al Kharusi – Lawyer and Legal Activist
72. Muhammad Al Harithi – Poet and Activist
73. Ibrahimt Saiid – Poet and Activist
74. Zeina Al Tuya – Social Activist
75. Hamoud Al Shukayli – Writer and Narrator
76. Saleh Bin Abdullah Al Ballushi – Writer
77. Abed Yaghouth – Poet
78. Naser Al Mangey – Writer and Narrator
79. Tayba Al Ma’ouli – Political and Legal Activist
80. Abed Al Aziz Abed Al Wahab Al Arid – Social Activist
81. Hani Al Rayes – Writer and Legal Activist
82. Hussein Yousif Marhoun – Journalist
83. Adel Yaakoub Marzouk – Journalist
84. Ali Saleh Al Jalawi – Poet
85. Ibrahim Al Mukaytib – Legal Activist
86. Saleh Ibrahim Al Sawyan – Reformist
87. Ali Al Ounayzan – Legal accountant
88. Hamed Bin Akil – Author and Writer
89. Jaafar Al Shayeb – Legal activist
90. Sadek Ramadan – Legal activist
91. Walid Sami Abu Al Kheir – Member of the Saudi Human Rights Watch
92. Muhammad Zayed Al Alma’I – Poet and Jurist
93. Masfar Al Ghamidi – Poet and Writer
94. Muhammad Ibrahim Abed Al Muta’ali – Researcher and Writer
95. Abdullah Al Harakan – Legal Accountant
96. Taher Al Baghli – Legal Activist
97. Fadel Makki Al Manasif – Legal Activist
98. Ina’am Abed Al Jalil Al Sihati – Legal Activist
99. Zaker Aal Hubail – Legal activist and trainer.
100. Gharam Allah Al Saki’I – Poet and Writer
101. Bader Al Ibrahim – Writer
102. Jasem Abdullah Aashur – Legal Activist
103. Ali Aal Ghrash – Writer and Journalist
104. Muhammad Salman Al Sawad – Journalist
105. Adel Al Qalaf – Legal Activist
106. Hamad Al Bahili – Writer
107. Abdul Rahman Mukali – Poet
108. Abdul Rahman Al Luhubi – Poet
109. Hamad Al Naser Al Hamdan – Writer
110. Abdullah Hasan Al Abed Al Baki – Writer
111. Ahmad Abdullah Al Sarraf – Social Activist
112. Fakher Al Saleh Al Sultan – Social Activist
113. Taleb Hussein Al Mawli – Social Activist
114. Naser Sifr – Social Activist
115. Najat Kasem – Social Activist
116. Mohammad Abdullah – Legal Activist
117. Abed Al Muhsin Taqi Muthfir – Kuwaiti Organization for Human Rights board member
118. Adnan Al Shuwayhan – Writer, Blogger, and Human Rights enthusiast
119. Murad Al Gharti – Manager of the organization “Tamkeen”, Legal activist and trainer
120. Firas Al Riyami – Omani Blogger and Play writer
121. Hasan Ali Aal Jumay’an – Legal activist
122. Ibrahim Kamal Al Din – “Wa’ad” Central Committee member
123. Abdullah Al Faran – Reformist
124. Hashem Murtada Al Hasan – Reformist
125. Jawad Abou Hulayka – Legal Activist
126. Abdullah Muhammad Al Furayhi – Reformist
127. Hussein Duweis – Writer
128. Muhammad Hasan Abed Al Baki – Reformist
129. Ahmad Hussein Al Kattan – Social Activist
130. Fouad Jamil Al Jashi – Social Activist
131. Moussa Humaid Aal Hashim – Social Activist
132. Ahmad Jasim Al Da’oud – Social Activist
133. Raef Badawi – Founder of the Saudi Liberal Network
134. Issa Al Gha’eb – Legal Activist
135. Muhammad Hamad Al Muhaysin – Legal Activist
136. Abel Al Aziz Bin Ibrahim Al Suwaylim – Interested in Public Affairs
137. Ahmad Al Mushaykhis – Social Activist
138. Nuhad Al Khunayziri – Social Activist
139. Ali Aal Taleb – Journalist and Writer
140. Khalifa Hamad Said Al Alawi – Legal Activist
141. Khalifa Salem Ali Al Badi – Legal Activist
142. Rashed Salem Ali Al Badi – Social Activist
143. Ali Hilal Ali Al Muqabili – Social Activist

144. Ismail Muhammad Said Al Balloushi – Social Activist
145. Muhammad Murad Muhammad Al Balloushi – Social Activist
146. Khamis Bin Kalam Al Hana’I – Legal Activist
147. Hamoud Bin Humaid Al Ouwaydi – Social Activist
148. Ali Eid Abdullah Al Mamari – Social Activist
149. Muhammad Rashed Sultan Al Shamousi – Social Activist
150. Abdul Rahman Sultan Al Shamisi – Social Activist
151. Saeed Musbih Sayf Al Maqabili – Social Activist
152. Abdullah Musbih Sayf Al Maqabili – Social Activist
153. Khalid Ahmad Sma’il Al Maqabili – Social Activist
154. Suhail Rashid Ali Al Fat’hi – Social Activist
155. Rashid Jum’a Ali Al Fat’hi – Social Activist
156. Khalid Rashid Jum’a Al Maqabili – Social Activist
157. Saeed Rashid Jum’a Al Maqabili – Social Activist
158. Khamis Abdullah Saeed Nawfali – Social Activist
159. Saeed Abdullah Saeed Nawfali – Social Activist
160. Sayf Khalafan Abdullah Al Maqabili – Social Activist
161. Humaid Khalafan Abdullah Al Maqabili – Social Activist
162. Suwaydin Ali Suwaydin Al Maqabili – Social Activist
163. Saeed Ali Suwaydin Al Maqabili – Social Activist
164. Muhammad Obeid Naser Al Maqabili – Social Activist
165. Jum’a Obeid Naser Al Maqabili – Social Activist
166. Naser Obeid Naser Al Maqabili – Social Activist
167. Ahmad Naser Obeid Al Hana’i – Social Activist
168. Rashid Ali Naser Al Maqabili – Social Activist
169. Sultan Saeed Khasib Al Maqabili – Social Activist
170. Ahmad Saif Salem Al Maqabili – Social Activist
171. Khamis Salem Siba Al Maqabili – Social Activist
172. Saeed Salem Siba Al Maqabili – Social Activist
173. Khalafan Rashed Naser Al Maqabili – Social Activist
174. Musbih Ali Saeed Al Maqabili – Social Activist
175. Jasem Muhammad Suleiman Al Shahi – Social Activist
176. Faisal Ali Musbih Al Maqabili – Social Activist
177. Ahmad Saif Muhammad Al Maqabili – Social Activist
178. Saif Musbih Saif Al Maqabili – Social Activist
179. Khalifa Khalafan Humeid Al Maqabili – Social Activist
180. Saeed Ali Hamad Al Maqabili – Social Activist
181. Ahmad Ali Musbih Al Maqabili – Social Activist
182. Abdullah Salem Ahmad Al Maqabili – Social Activist
183. Ali Musbih Saif Al Maqabili – Social Activist
184. Khalid Ahmad Hasan Al Thahiri – Social Activist
185. Matar Khalafan Humeid Al Maqabili – Social Activist
186. Rashed Saeed Rashed Al Maqabili – Social Activist
187. Ali Rashed Salem Al Maqabili – Social Activist
188. Muhammad Rashed Salem Al Maqabili – Social Activist
189. Naser Ali Musbih Al Maqabili – Social Activist
190. Omar Muhammad Ali Al Maqabili