GDN:Funds drive for mum in custody battle

Funds drive for mum in custody battle
Published: 26th July 2008
A FUNDRAISING campaign to help a mother fight for custody of her five-year-old daughter has been officially backed by the Philippine Embassy. Lecita Flores was granted custody of the child during a Sharia Court hearing in March, but her ex-husband refused to hand the girl over – despite four court orders obliging him to do so.
Funds drive for mum in custody battle
Published: 26th July 2008
A FUNDRAISING campaign to help a mother fight for custody of her five-year-old daughter has been officially backed by the Philippine Embassy. Lecita Flores was granted custody of the child during a Sharia Court hearing in March, but her ex-husband refused to hand the girl over – despite four court orders obliging him to do so.
The Execution Court also last month ordered Sarah be returned to her after the girl’s father was arrested for breaching his visitation rights. However, he was freed following a Sharia Court hearing at the Justice Ministry earlier this month, despite failing to reveal his daughter’s whereabouts.
The embassy has now authorised and officially stamped a letter written by Ms Flores in which she pleads for financial assistance to help cover legal fees.
Charge d’Affaires Jose dela Rosa Burgos said the document was printed so the Filipina could distribute it to strangers who may not be aware of her case.
“She has no stable source of income andat taxing times like these we need the generosity of people, especially those who support the rights of women and children,” he told the GDN.
“Any token amount to help the poor lady overcome her problem will be much appreciated.”
Mr Burgos added the embassy was limited in what it could do to help Ms Flores in terms of finances and legal support.
“We cannot question the wisdom of the judges because that is their field,” he said.
“In the past the Philippine government has helped her when government resources have been available.
“There are so many cases all over the world and we have a limited budget and so that is not always possible.
“Although we may request assistance it may or may not be granted.
“We hope we can have a happy ending to this problem.”
In her letter of appeal, Ms Flores talks about her long battle for justice and the torment of being without her child.
“I have been struggling for five years for the custody of my daughter Sarah,” she says.
“Today, I am once again knocking on the generosity of your hearts, as I need to raise enough money to pay for a lawyer who will fight for my case in the civil courts of Bahrain.”
Ms Flores also speaks of the shock of her ex-husband’s family filing a case against her for BD12,750 in damages.
“Despite being jailed, he would not reveal to the police where Sarah is, and instead of keeping him locked up, he has been released,” she said.
“The worst part of the situation is that I am the one who is being sued in the civil courts because he claims that I was the reason he was arrested.
“As a mother, I must continue the struggle to regain custody of my daughter, which is the natural and appropriate action to take.
“However, I am currently not able to pursue this due to lack of funds. I am humbly asking for any financial help anyone can offer.
“Any financial assistance will be a big help to me.”
Ms Flores first filed a case against her ex-husband in Kuwait, where the couple met and married.
The Kuwait Sharia Court granted her full custody of her daughter after he fled to Bahrain with Sarah, telling Ms Flores he had divorced her and was keeping Sarah.
When she followed him to Bahrain in November 2004, she was told she had to file a case here as the Kuwaiti ruling did not apply.
Ms Flores’ ex-husband had also earlier broken a court order in 2005 and fled with the child to Qatar, where he has relatives. But he was persuaded to return several months later after the intervention of Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society, which threatened him with a kidnapping charge.
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