GDN:Woman collapses after riots verdict

Woman collapses after riots verdict
Published: 14th July 2008
A WOMAN had to be taken to hospital amid emotional scenes after 11 men were convicted of rioting and handed prison sentences of one to seven years yesterday. The unidentified woman collapsed after hearing the verdict in the High Criminal Court, which acquitted four of the 15 men standing trial.
All defendants had been charged with rioting during the Eid and National Day holidays last December.
Woman collapses after riots verdict
Published: 14th July 2008
A WOMAN had to be taken to hospital amid emotional scenes after 11 men were convicted of rioting and handed prison sentences of one to seven years yesterday. The unidentified woman collapsed after hearing the verdict in the High Criminal Court, which acquitted four of the 15 men standing trial.
All defendants had been charged with rioting during the Eid and National Day holidays last December.
One was jailed for seven years and fined BD9,985 for causing unrest, violence against police and hurling a Molotov cocktail inside a police car.
Another four were jailed for five years for causing unrest, violence against police, torching a police car and stealing guns and ammunition.
Six were jailed for one year each for obtaining and possessing a gun and causing unrest.
Female relatives erupted in bursts of tears and screams when the verdict was delivered, while an ambulance was called to take the collapsed woman to hospital.
There was mixed reaction inside the court with some of the defendant’s relatives celebrating, while others screamed “injustice” due to the longer sentences of their loved ones.
Meanwhile, riot police had to block the entrance to the Justice Ministry complex when a crowd gathered outside tried to force the gates open.
However, they were eventually dispersed peacefully.
Defence lawyers had previously claimed that all 15 defendants were arrested as a result of a misunderstanding by police.
They claimed they were attending a peaceful gathering to mourn the death of Ali Jassim Makki, who died during a protest in Jidhafs a few days earlier.
The lawyers claimed that it was a religious gathering, but those present started fighting back when police tried to break it up.
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