Abbas Al-Samie from Arrest until Execution: We’ll Leave Prison with Our Heads Held High

Bahrain Mirror

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Al-Samie’s family has always been subjected to endless accusations that did not end with the Daih bomb blast charges, and now has welcomed another martyr to their family. On Sunday (January 15, 2017), Abbas Al-Samie joined his uncle Taher Al-Samie who was martyred during the 1990s uprising in Bahrain.

Abbas Al-Samie was among the four dissidents, whose arrests were announced by the Bahraini Ministry of Interior on March 5, 2014, over charges of being “involved” in the incident that left three non-Bahraini security service men, including an Emirati national, killed in what was known as the Daih bombing case.

Only four days after their arrest, the Public Prosecution said that the suspects confessed to committing the crime. Al-Samie and the other suspects; however, stated in their first court hearing on April 30, 2014 that they were subjected to torture and sexual harassment, and forced to make incriminating confessions.

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