Gulf Daily News: Human rights activist to face quizzing

Human rights activist to face quizzing

HUMAN rights activist Nabeel Rajab has been summoned for interrogation by the Criminal Investigations Directorate following a complaint brought against him.

Mr Rajab said that he will present himself at the appointed time tomorrow, although he still doesn’t know what the specific complaint against him is.

“The document I received didn’t name the person who filed the complaint, but I got some friends of mine to do some checking and they found out,” said Mr Rajab, who is the now-dissolved Bahrain Centre for Human Rights vice-president.

Human rights activist to face quizzing

HUMAN rights activist Nabeel Rajab has been summoned for interrogation by the Criminal Investigations Directorate following a complaint brought against him.

Mr Rajab said that he will present himself at the appointed time tomorrow, although he still doesn’t know what the specific complaint against him is.

“The document I received didn’t name the person who filed the complaint, but I got some friends of mine to do some checking and they found out,” said Mr Rajab, who is the now-dissolved Bahrain Centre for Human Rights vice-president.

He said that he had some speculation that it involved someone allegedly named in the controversial Bandargate report.

Coverage of the details of the Bandergate report in the Press is banned following a high court gag order.

Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights (BYSHR) issued a statement in support of Mr Rajab, stating that it was highly concerned.

“BYSHR calls for the elimination of legally justified pursuits of human rights activists in general and Nabeel Rajab in particular,” it said.