CPJ: Attacks on the Press: Journalism on the Front Lines in 2013

Key Developments
» Journalists imprisoned pre-emptively to prevent coverage of protests.
» ‘Blogfather’ Ali Abdel Imam flees Bahrain after two years in hiding.

Despite King Hamad’s praise for the press as the “cornerstone of human rights and a mirror of our fledgling democracy,” the Bahraini government continued to crack down on anyone challenging the official narrative. Journalists covering opposition protests were harassed, detained, and deported, while some were attacked by opposition protesters who considered them biased. The government arrested at least three bloggers and photographers in the lead-up to a major opposition protest on August 14. A court upheld the acquittal of a policewoman accused of torturing a journalist in 2011. Authorities continued to clamp down on online expression by blocking websites, infiltrating social media accounts, prosecuting citizens who insulted officials, and considering restrictions on Internet-based telecommunications services. Bahraini blogger Ali Abdel Imam, convicted on anti-state charges, was forced to flee into exile after hiding for two years from Bahraini authorities.


Continue reading on https://www.cpj.org/2014/02/attacks-on-the-press-in-2013-bahrain.php