The BCHR and the Coalition for Organ-Failure Solutions (COFS) partner to address the situation of transplants in Bahrain and the Gulf region. Conditions of poor or no access to organs for transplant facilitate the production of transplant tourism for commercial living donorship as a human rights concern. COFS and BCHR strategize to promote alternative sources of organ supplies in Bahrain and the region to curb transplant tourism for organs abroad, largely in Asia.
The BCHR and the Coalition for Organ-Failure Solutions (COFS) partner to address the situation of transplants in Bahrain and the Gulf region. Conditions of poor or no access to organs for transplant facilitate the production of transplant tourism for commercial living donorship as a human rights concern. COFS and BCHR strategize to promote alternative sources of organ supplies in Bahrain and the region to curb transplant tourism for organs abroad, largely in Asia. COFS is an international non-profit international health and human rights organization committed to combating the trafficking of humans for organs and ending the exploitation of the poor as a source of organ and tissue supplies. COFS combines prevention, policy advocacy, and survivor support through a comprehensive approach to combat organ trafficking. BCHR’s Vice President Nabeel Rajab and Executive Director Dr. Debra Budiani conducted meetings recently in Manama, Bahrain and Bangkok, Thailand to establish the parternship and begin developing a framework for advocacy.