HRD Alkhawaja Hospitalized, Protests suppressed and activist detained

12 Feb 2012

Abdulhadi Alkhawaja : Freedom or Death

Abdulhadi Alkhawaja has entered his 5th day on hunger strike for freedom. He was hospitalized two nights ago (Feb 10, 2012) because of his deteriorating health due to the hunger strike. On Feb 11, 2012 He refused IV and is only drinking water with glucose. Alkhawaja almost went into a coma and was admitted to the hospital on the 31st of January due to low BP and blood sugar during his earlier hunger strike. Family members and colleagues are concerned about his continued detention and hunger strike as well as his previous history with torture, and believe that his rapidly deteriorating health will be fatal.

12 Feb 2012

Abdulhadi Alkhawaja : Freedom or Death

Abdulhadi Alkhawaja has entered his 5th day on hunger strike for freedom. He was hospitalized two nights ago (Feb 10, 2012) because of his deteriorating health due to the hunger strike. On Feb 11, 2012 He refused IV and is only drinking water with glucose. Alkhawaja almost went into a coma and was admitted to the hospital on the 31st of January due to low BP and blood sugar during his earlier hunger strike. Family members and colleagues are concerned about his continued detention and hunger strike as well as his previous history with torture, and believe that his rapidly deteriorating health will be fatal.

Zainab Al-Khawaja just arrested while attempting to reach Pearl Square

Human rights activist Zainab Al-Khawaja (28 years old) was today arrested again while attempting to reach Pearl Square. The march to the now demolished square was organised by Nabeel Rajab, who walked along with his wife and two children, in addition to another 2 activists (Photo1, Photo2). As they approach the pearl square they were shot at with stun grenade and tear gas. Zainab Alkhwaja continued her way to the barbed wires surrounding the pearl square where she was arrested. Last information about her is that she is now detained at the Noaim Police Station and she needs a lawyer.

As a reminder, activist Zainab is already facing a trial on charges of 1. illegal gathering 2. assaulting a female officer 3. inciting hatred against the regime, after she was arrested from a protest last December and detained for 5 days.

Numerous reports of injuries and arrests as peaceful protesters attempted to reach pearl square where reinforcements were sent in the past 2 days. Eye witnesses also claimed they saw Saudi troops being sent over the bridge into Bahrain. More details will follow.

Other Updates.

Collective punishment: Continued tear gas in villages, arrests and house raids, previous detainees are being targeted. There are reports that security forces are harassing family members and looting. In house raids in Karbabad this weekend, three young men were arrested. They were Mohamed Aldakak (27), Mohamed Jaffer Mo’amen (15) + Salman Abdulabbas (25) .

Home in Bani Jamra raided, doors broken and family terrorized without a warrant:
Video of riot police firing toxic gases at home in Adhari, continued firing while house burning:
targeting houses roofs with tear gas in Karzakan 11-2-12 as civilians chanting”God is the Greatest”

Bahraini citizen’s car burned by riot police yesterday, two people attempting to put out the fire were then arrested by security forces:

Security ramped up in preparation for Feb 14 anniversary protests: More check points set up ahead of anniversary, as well as barbed wire.