Update: Health of Activists and political prisoners on hunger strike deteriorate

05 Feb 2012 – Update

The 14 activist and prisoners have ended their hunger strike on Sunday evening after completing a week.

04 Feb 2012

14 Activists and hundreds of prisoners at the central prison of Bahrain and some other detention centers are are now on their 6th day of hunger strike to demand end to human rights violations in Bahrain and immediate release of all prisoners of conscience who were convicted following unfair trials as confirmed by the BICI report.

The news we continue to receive about deteriorated health of the activists and prisoners are very worrying, given that the prison clinic is not prepared to deal with hundreds of prisoners at same time. Human Rights Defender AbdulHadi AlKhawaja was hospitalized after a drop in his sugar level and blood pressure.

05 Feb 2012 – Update

The 14 activist and prisoners have ended their hunger strike on Sunday evening after completing a week.

04 Feb 2012

14 Activists and hundreds of prisoners at the central prison of Bahrain and some other detention centers are are now on their 6th day of hunger strike to demand end to human rights violations in Bahrain and immediate release of all prisoners of conscience who were convicted following unfair trials as confirmed by the BICI report.

The news we continue to receive about deteriorated health of the activists and prisoners are very worrying, given that the prison clinic is not prepared to deal with hundreds of prisoners at same time. Human Rights Defender AbdulHadi AlKhawaja was hospitalized after a drop in his sugar level and blood pressure. on 31 Jan, he was put on IV to pump up his sugar level and then he was sent back to prison where he continues hunger strike. Dr Abduljalil Alsingace said on a phone call that he and the other detained opposition leaders are still on hunger strike. Singais and others have suffered from low blood pressure and hypoglycemia. They asked the management of Jaw prison to take them to hospital in the morning, but the management was careless. Although they asked to be taken to hospital since morning, management of prison took them to prison’s clinic after 11pm. They saw many other detainees who are on hunger strike in the clinic and also suffering from low blood pressure. Dr.Singais says that situation is very crticial, and clinic has too many detainees, and it’s not equipped to deal with them. Dr Abduljalil Alsingace , suffers from poliomyelitis, and has previously suffered a heart attack after going on an earlier hunger. He was put on IV inside his cell as the clinic is filled with prisoners.

Many prisoners still not able to contact their families and there are no news of them since the start of the hunger strike.

More Information:

FIDH: Ongoing repression against political prisonners

Front Line: Bahrain: Abdulhadi Al Khawaja and 13 other prisoners start hunger strike

Call to International community: Detained activists and political prisoners on hunger strike in Bahrain