BYSHR: Ministry of Human Rights dissolves democratically elected board of directors of Bar Association

December 9th, 2011
Ministry of Human Rights dissolves democratically elected board of directors of Bar Association in Bahrain.
Election of the board of directors was held on November 26, 2011 and observed by Human Rights Society.

December 9th, 2011
Ministry of Human Rights dissolves democratically elected board of directors of Bar Association in Bahrain.
Election of the board of directors was held on November 26, 2011 and observed by Human Rights Society.

On November 30, the Ministry of Human Rights informed the board of directors that the elections were annulled and the board dissolved
One of the lawyers told BYSHR that : ” The reason for the Ministry’s action is due to the fact that many of the new board members are critical of recent Human rights violations”
Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights (BYSHR) expresses its deep concern for the targeting of lawyers and their association.