The Observatory 2011 Report on Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the world – Bahrain

25 Oct 2011

2011 is the 14th year that an Annual Report is produced by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.
An annual rendez-vous for the protection of defenders, it highlights the most serious cases of obstacles and threats against defenders in each country.


In 2010-2011, several human rights defenders were arrested and prosecuted under the Anti-Terrorist Law or were the target of defamation campaigns. In addition, while several NGOs still did not obtain legal recognition,

25 Oct 2011

2011 is the 14th year that an Annual Report is produced by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.
An annual rendez-vous for the protection of defenders, it highlights the most serious cases of obstacles and threats against defenders in each country.


In 2010-2011, several human rights defenders were arrested and prosecuted under the Anti-Terrorist Law or were the target of defamation campaigns. In addition, while several NGOs still did not obtain legal recognition, other defenders labour and unions
were subject to obstacles to their freedom of association during the repression of a peaceful protest movement in 2011. Moreover, men and women who denounced human rights violations committed during the repression of this movement were subjected to arbitrary arrests, threats and acts of intimidation and even acts of torture that led to the death of one of them in custody.

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