Jaffar Hassan dies after serious injuries and security forces attack mourners

19 Sep 2011

Jaffar Hasan, 28 years-old, married with two kids, one boy n one girl is from Demistan. Back in March 2011, the security forces stormed his house in search of his wanted brother, as his brother was not there, they beat him up severely. And for the second time in the same month, security forces once again stormed his flat in Buri, in search of his brother, and again he was severely beaten, particularly on his stomach and chest. His health deteriorated due to the kicking on his chest, and he was taken to Salmaniya Medical Complex for treatment

19 Sep 2011

Jaffar Hasan, 28 years-old, married with two kids, one boy n one girl is from Demistan. Back in March 2011, the security forces stormed his house in search of his wanted brother, as his brother was not there, they beat him up severely. And for the second time in the same month, security forces once again stormed his flat in Buri, in search of his brother, and again he was severely beaten, particularly on his stomach and chest. His health deteriorated due to the kicking on his chest, and he was taken to Salmaniya Medical Complex for treatment for three days, then to Jordan, where he was diagnosed with Hepatitis and bowel perforation.

Jaffar was brought back from Jordan late July, when his health further deteriorated, so he was admitted to Salmaniyah hospital again on 8th August and remained in the ICU until he passed away on 18th August 2011. According to his family, Jaffar Hasan was fit and healthy and did not suffer from any kind of diseases, and his health deteriorated due to the outrageous beatings by the security forces.

Picture of Jaffar and his injuries: yfrog.com/o0v59dmj
Jaffar’s children at his funeral: photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphot..

As the funeral procession was finishing, mourners were heavily attacked by security forces. There were reports of attempts by security forces to run people over with their jeeps.

See the full list of those killed since Feb 14 , 2011