GDN:Media chiefs discuss Al Bandar Press gag

Published: 6th October 2006
MANAMA: Editors-in chief of Bahrain’s national newspapers yesterday met to discuss the Higher Criminal Court’s decision to ban publication of any news related to the Salah Al Bandar case.
The decision will damage the local Press as it is a very sensitive one, said the editors.
It will also give way to interpretations and rumours likely to harm general public interest, leading citizens to resort to irresponsible sources, they added.
In the absence of information from a responsible national media, the foreign Press will be forced to resort to political sources, he said.
Published: 6th October 2006
MANAMA: Editors-in chief of Bahrain’s national newspapers yesterday met to discuss the Higher Criminal Court’s decision to ban publication of any news related to the Salah Al Bandar case.
The decision will damage the local Press as it is a very sensitive one, said the editors.
It will also give way to interpretations and rumours likely to harm general public interest, leading citizens to resort to irresponsible sources, they added.
In the absence of information from a responsible national media, the foreign Press will be forced to resort to political sources, he said.
The editors-in-chief, who met at Akhbar Al Khaleej offices in Isa Town, have decided to inform authorities of their viewpoint in this regard.
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