FIDH: EU/GCC Joint Co-operation Council – Confirming human rights at the centre of EU-GCC relations

International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
EU/GCC Joint Co-operation Council
Confirming human rights at the centre of EU-GCC relations

International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
EU/GCC Joint Co-operation Council
Confirming human rights at the centre of EU-GCC relations
On the eve of the ministerial meeting of the European Union-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Joint Co-operation Council to be held on the 28th of April 2009, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) calls upon the EU and GCC ministers to put human rights at the centre of their relations in all fields.
FIDH takes note of the recent public declarations by GCC Governments on the resuming of EU-GCC talks on a free-trade agreement (FTA). In this context, FIDH calls both parties to guarantee that these negotiations will reinforce, and not diminish, their international obligations and joint commitments to promote and protect human rights by finally agreeing on the essential inclusion of a human rights clause in the negotiated Free Trade Agreement.
FIDH strongly regrets that the legitimate inclusion of a human rights clause in the negotiated Free Trade Agreement was one of the reason justifying the suspension of the talks by GCC member States in December 2008 and reminds that this inclusion is absolutely essential since the 1989 EU-GCC Cooperation agreement does not contain a human rights clause.
On several occasions, both parties “reaffirmed that they share the universal values of respect for human rights and democratic principles, which form an essential element of their relations.(…) [and] reiterated their continued commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms”.
Therefore, FIDH urges both parties to comply with their previous commitments and adopt a human rights clause that should be implemented at all stages of the EU-GCC political dialogue. As a first step, the parties should set up a common strategy for the practical implementation of their joint commitments in this field.
In a note released today, FIDH particularly urges both sides to give specific attention and answers to the following priorities:
Including a Human rights clause in the negotiated Free Trade Agreements
Adopting concrete tools to assess the impact of Free Trade Agreements on human rights
Taking effective measures aiming at improving the enjoyment of the freedom of association and the situation of Human Rights Defenders in GCC countries
Committing to improve the general situation of human rights in GCC countries.
The note is available on FIDH Website :
Press contact : Karine Appy + 33 1 43 55 14 12 / + 33 1 43 55 25 18

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