GDN:No amnesty for five activists

No amnesty for five activists
Published: 4th August 2008
FIVE men jailed over clashes with police in Bahrain have been excluded from a royal amnesty for 225 prisoners, a security official said yesterday.
The July 30 amnesty covered six of 11 activists sentenced to jail terms of one to seven years for the clashes, Interior Ministry police media director Major Mohammed bin Daina said.
No amnesty for five activists
Published: 4th August 2008
FIVE men jailed over clashes with police in Bahrain have been excluded from a royal amnesty for 225 prisoners, a security official said yesterday.
The July 30 amnesty covered six of 11 activists sentenced to jail terms of one to seven years for the clashes, Interior Ministry police media director Major Mohammed bin Daina said.
Those not pardoned by His Majesty King Hamad include a man jailed for seven years and four who were handed prison sentences of five years each on July 13, he said.
“The royal amnesty excluded those convicted for offences that undermine security of the country or its citizens,” said Major bin Daina.
The 11 were part of a group, that went on trial over clashes in December between police and protesters.
They were charged with unlawful assembly, stealing weapons, burning a police vehicle and committing other acts of violence against police. Four were acquitted.
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