HAQ: Medical Report Asserts Torture of December detainees

Judge refused release of detainees and postponed case until May 11th

At about 10am yesterday, the heading judge of the Higher Criminal Court, Shaikh Mohamed Al-Khalifa, postponed the prosecution of the December incident detainees to May 11th (Blaze of the patrol vehicle and alleged missing weapon).

Judge refused release of detainees and postponed case until May 11th

At about 10am yesterday, the heading judge of the Higher Criminal Court, Shaikh Mohamed Al-Khalifa, postponed the prosecution of the December incident detainees to May 11th (Blaze of the patrol vehicle and alleged missing weapon).

The Medical Report about the condition of the detainees, a total of 15 among them well know activists, was presented before the judges, was refuted by the public prosecution considering it contradicting with the actual situation of the detainees. The report affirmed the fact that the detainees were subjected to torture, a point refused to be considered by the public prosecution representative Mr Haroon Al-Zayani.

The defendant Attorneys called for the negation witnesses, which were not called or seen by the PP during the investigation. The Attorneys called for the release of the detainees, but the judge refused the request adjourning the session to May to listen to the witnesses. The PP presented the comb of ammunition, allegedly to be in possession to some of the detainees, but the missing weapon was not presented, the Authorities indicated that it has been found.

It is to be mentioned that Mohamed Al-Singace, Abdulla Mohsen and Mahmood Saleh are subjected to medication during their detention. Abdulla Mohsen, foremer head of the Unemployed Commitee, suffers from high pressure and was hospitalized for over a week before being transported back to detention last Monday. Mahmood Saleh on medication to relieve him from pains in the urine system. He was subjected to beatings on his gentiles until bleeding. Mohammed Al-Singace is being subjected to psychiatric treatment, but most importantly, suffers from back disk due to torture as well as low haemoglobin level, a sign of malnutrition.

Time: 6:00pm local time (3:00pm GMT)

17 April 2008

For more information, please contact:

Dr Abduljalil Alsingace- Human Rights Bureau, HAQ Movement-Bahrain.

Tel: 973- 3966-8179, Email: asingace@gmail.com