HAAQ Activists Sexual Assaulted while subjected to “Falaqah”


BAHRAIN: Activists Sexual Assaulted while subjected to “Falaqah”

Visits of the families to the detainees in the Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) in Al-Adleyya revealed that the well known activists: Maytham Bader Jassim Al-Sheikh , Mohamed Alsingace, Naji Fateel, Ahmed Jaffar, Hasan Abdulnabi, Isa A-Sarh, and Ebrahim Al-Arab have been subjected to torture and ill-treatment in the detention.


BAHRAIN: Activists Sexual Assaulted while subjected to “Falaqah”

Visits of the families to the detainees in the Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) in Al-Adleyya revealed that the well known activists: Maytham Bader Jassim Al-Sheikh , Mohamed Alsingace, Naji Fateel, Ahmed Jaffar, Hasan Abdulnabi, Isa A-Sarh, and Ebrahim Al-Arab have been subjected to torture and ill-treatment in the detention.

These activists are deprived from sleeping as well as from bathroom privileges. They are left naked, without clothes, even during interrogations, handcuffed and blindfolded all the time, electrocuted, and is subjected to old painful torture tactic used during nineties, called Falaqah. In Falaqah the victim is shackled and cuffed. The hands and feet of the victim are tide together, while he is lifted by a wooden bar and suspended in the air . The victim’s body swings such that his legs are made up while his head is down. Cables and stick are used to beat the victims feet for hours at the time. Bleedings are common in these sessions. The victim will no be able to walk normally for weeks after the beatings .

Today’s visit was for Maytham Al-Shaikh whose family reported that he has been particularly subjected to Falaqah, during which he is mo lested from his bottom by inserting a broomstick from behind. Later on, Maytham was sexual assaulted. His family reported that Maytham was electrocuted in different parts of his body including his bottom. They reported marks of electrocution at his rests and lower side of his forearms. Maytham torture doses start from 12 in the night and finishes at 7 in the morning.

The interrogations to these activists are not focussed on the allegedly missing weapon, but rather on the functionality of the popular committees and some well known popular figures of which HAQ leaders.

ACTION required:

Send immediate call to the Bahraini Authorities to immediately release all the activists and subject them to independent medical investigation, while calling for the prosecution of the members of the security body involved in torture.

Time: 03:45 pm local time (12:45pm GMT)

For more information, please contact:

Dr Abduljalil Alsingace- Director of Media and International Relations, HAQ Movement-Bahrain.

Tel: +973- 3966-8179

Email: asingace@gmail.com or asingace@hotmail.com