Grave allegations of a hate-attack against a migrant worker confirms BCHR's worries in the aftermath of illegal naturalization

Bahrain Centre for Human Rights: Grave allegations of a hate-attack against a migrant worker confirms BCHR’s worries in the aftermath of illegal and secret naturalization and systematic discrimination in Bahrain.
The BCHR is extremely concerned about information suggesting that an Indian barber in Bahrain has suffered a serious attack on his life for reasons that could be motivated by racial hatred or political reasons.
Bahrain Centre for Human Rights: Grave allegations of a hate-attack against a migrant worker confirms BCHR’s worries in the aftermath of illegal and secret naturalization and systematic discrimination in Bahrain.
The BCHR is extremely concerned about information suggesting that an Indian barber in Bahrain has suffered a serious attack on his life for reasons that could be motivated by racial hatred or political reasons.
Mustafa Hamza, 30, told the Gulf Daily News that his five Bahraini attackers said he did not deserve a Bahraini passport and that Indians “should work here like dogs” during the attack in which he was slashed with a carpet knife.
He also claimed that attacks on migrant workers are common in the Manama area where he was attacked and that Indian and Pakistani men are often “terrorized” by locals, including youth who throw stones at them.
The BCHR strongly condemns the horrific abuse of Mr Hamza and denounces the apparent hateful or political motivation for such a gruesome act.”It is important that the relevant authorities realize the serious nature of this attack and work swiftly to bring the perpetrators to justice, and ensure that the victim receives redress,” BCHR vice-president Nabeel Rajab said.
The police handling of the case must also be free of discrimination, he said.
“The victim of this attack has said that incidents of abuse are common but “nobody bothers to complain because they don’t expect results”. “This shows a worrying attitude on behalf of the authorities, who do not seem to deal with, attacks on these poor workers effectively. It also casts a shadow of doubt on the way the Bahraini judiciary handles cases involving abused workers, and whether it can be relied on by those seeking justice.”
However, the authorities will have to work on the underlying reasons for this attack if such incidents are to be successfully prevented, Mr Rajab added.
“This incident confirms one of our worries over the Al Bandergate and other recent incidents. “Mr Hamza is first of all the victim of his attackers, and secondly a victim of seriously flawed government policies and actions which have given rise to racial and sectarian tensions. It is important to tackle this issue at its roots.
The reason many Bahrainis are angry about foreigners holding jobs is because they see others being brought to the country to do jobs while they are unable to find employment and often live in poverty .
The reason many Bahrainis are angry about foreigners being granted citizenship is because the process is shrouded in secrecy and appears to be part of a larger policy working to keep the Shia majority disenfranchised, and eventually make them a minority .”Although these contributing factors do not justify the attack on Mr. Hamza, it is important to understand the simmering tensions that motivated such a hateful attack,” said Mr. Rajab.
“These are genuine grievances and those who are suffering attack
people who they see as representing these problems, even though it is not the workers’ fault.
“The BCHR reiterates that violence is not the correct way to act
because of real grievances – but we can say for certain that such
attacks will not stop unless these government policies are dropped.”


  • The authorities immediately investigate this attack and bring perpetrators to justice.
  • Authorities take responsibility for Mr Hamza’s safety and ensure that he is compensated for the time he has been unable to work because of his injuries and any treatment required.
  • Bahrain’s top political leadership step forward and abandon practices such as illegal and politically motivated naturalization, and sectarian discrimination, and take measures to address people’s real grievances.