The United Nations and its role in the world

Fifty-one countries established the United Nations after the end of World War II, hoping that the horrors of armed conflict would not happen again. Over the past years, the number of members and the importance of its work has increased and now includes 193 countries in its membership. The United Nations has become the largest and most important international organization in the world today.

The United Nations is an independent and global organization, and it is the only forum in the world in which peace, human rights and development issues are discussed by all countries of the world.

The United Nations has based its work on three pillars: protecting human rights, peace and security, and economic and social development.

One of its first historic achievements was the reaching of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, which defined the basic principles underlying the human rights movement and allowed for significant progress. The declaration also served as an inspiration to international laws and institutions that have worked to directly improve people’s lives around the world.

Since that date, many human rights treaties and declarations have in turn formulated a system of international law and standards that protect all of us, enhance our rights and end racial discrimination and discrimination against women, prohibit torture, genocide, and protect the rights of the child , persons with disabilities, refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons, minorities, human rights defenders, indigenous people, regulating the arms trade, and calling for the abolition of the death penalty.

The United Nations is made up of 30 organizations, agencies or programs that link the dissemination and preservation of human rights to such things as gender equality, strengthening the status of women, protecting the environment, fighting diseases, reducing poverty and helping to improve communication and communication.

Link to full report: Bahrain and UN