Category Archives: statements

Bahrain Center calls for a retrial of minor convicts, respect for their rights as children, and an end to the violations committed against them

While young convicts in the “Al-Hawd Al-Jaf ” Prison are subjected to grave violations, official... more

Bahrain’s Withdrawal from the Human Rights Council

Bahrain’s withdrawal is one more nail in the coffin of its commitment to protecting human... more

Open Prisons: A Modern Form of Penalty

In the past decade or so, many reports emerged on the poor situation of prisons... more

BCHR take active part in the UPR 2022 Pre-session on Bahrain in Geneva

On the 31 August 2022, Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), has been selected to... more

The Unmatched Potential of a Healthy Youth Generation

Did you know that today’s generation of youth is the largest in mankind history? With... more

Bahrain: Prisoners of conscience denied proper medical care, including Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace, on hunger strike for a year

Prisoners in Bahrain are suffering due to poor conditions and lack of adequate medical care,... more

Six Children Are Detained Arbitrarily in Betelco Home

Six children are currently detained in Betelco Child Welfare Home after the Public Prosecution extended... more

Three inspiring leaders of the human rights movement, Laureates of the 2022 Martin Ennals Award

Three driving forces of the human rights movement are the Laureates of the 2022 Martin... more

Bahrain: Request for support to free imprisoned human rights defender Dr Abduljalil AlSingace, on hunger strike since July 2021

We, the undersigned human rights organisations, are writing to call for the immediate and unconditional... more

BCHR Human Rights Day Statement, 10 December 2021

Seventy-three years ago today, the world’s nations came together to adopt the Universal Declaration of... more