Category Archives: Attack on Protesters Feb 2011

Shouting In The Dark: Al Jazeera Bahrain Documentary Shows The Bloody Fight For Democracy

5 August 2011 On February 16, 2011 thousands of demonstrators hit the streets of Bahrain... more

The Telegraph: Facebook ‘used to hunt down Bahrain dissidents’

A new documentary suggests that Bahraini loyalists used social networks to trace anti-government protestors during... more

Updates: Serious injuries of protesters, medic arrested and student arrested on arrival at Bahrain Airport

Left: Ammar Madan , Right: Hasan AlEskafi Update 1 Aug 2011 Ammar Madan is still... more

Aljazeera: Pakistani troops aid Bahrain’s crackdown

Foundation linked to the Pakistani army has been providing Bahrain thousands of soldiers for its... more

FPIF: Bahrain and Human Rights

Foreign Policy In Focus By Anthony Newkirk, July 22, 2011 It is becoming painfully obvious... more

ICG Report: Bahrain’s Rocky Road to Reform

Manama/Washington/Brussels | 28 Jul 2011 Unless all sides to the conflict agree to an inclusive... more

HRF: President Obama: Push for a Real National Dialogue in Bahrain!

By Quinn O'Keefe Senior Associate, Human Rights Defenders 15 July 2011 Despite an ongoing national... more

Bahrain: Abuses continue: Death, torture and doctor dismissals

17 July 2011 Zainab Hassan, 47 years old and mother of 2 daughters, died 15... more

News Conference Invitation: Bahrain: Targets of Retribution

Attacks on Medics, Injured Protesters, and Health Facilities Human Rights Watch is pleased to invite... more

POMED Wire: More Deaths in Bahrain

16 July 2011 Bahraini security forces have been increasing their use of tear gas against... more