Category Archives: Freedom of expression

ANHRI condemns blocking Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper website

Cairo 24 May 2011 ANHRI has condemned today the Bahraini authorities for blocking the access... more

RSF: Amid international indifference, targeted repression continues in Bahrain

BAHRAIN In the past few days, the authorities have arrested more photographers and photo-journalists who... more

Bahrain: After destruction of the actual protesting site at "the Pearl", the government shifts to eliminate virtual protests

Information community on the internet faces the danger of disappearance due to the brutal crackdown... more

RSF: News photographers among crackdown’s latest targets

Published on Tuesday 17 May 2011. Many photographers who have been covering the pro-democracy protests... more

Fifty-seven IFEX members and partners call on world authorities to help stop human rights violations and free expression abuses

(ANHRI/IFEX) - 9 May 2011 - Forty-two IFEX members and 14 partners appeal for global... more

RSF: Foreign media still targeted in Bahrain

11 May 2011 Reporters Without Borders condemns yesterday’s decision by the Bahraini authorities to expel... more

RSF: Governments still cracking down hard on media covering pro-democracy demonstrations

10 May 2011 The human rights situation and the problems for those who defend media... more

Overseas Press Club of America Letter to King of Bahrain

5 May 2011 Printer-friendly versionSend to friend Bahrain H.M. King Hamada ibn Isa al-Khalifah Kingdom... more

IFJ affiliates show solidarity with journalists on the frontline of "Arab Spring"

(IFJ/IFEX) - 4 May 2011 - World Press freedom day 2011 comes at a crucial... more

RSF: Bahrain king is press 'predator'

3 May 2011 AFP: Media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) added Bahrain's King Hamad... more