Category Archives: International issues

Six years since Bahrain’s revolution, Britain continues to back the monarchy’s despotic rule

It is six years on from the Arab Spring. But for many of us, the... more

British MPs question ‘slush fund’ aid spending in Bahrain

British parliamentarians have questioned the use of money from a £1bn ($1.24bn) annual aid programme... more

Donald Trump ‘to approve arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain’ blocked by Barack Obama

Donald Trump‘s administration is reportedly preparing to approve major arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The multi-million... more

Secrecy around £1bn aid and security fund raises ‘significant concern’, say MPs

MPs and Lords have expressed “significant concern” over the lack of transparency, accountability and leadership... more

Beheadings, hangings and firing squads: the death penalty is alive and kicking in the Gulf

Abbas al-Samea, a school teacher, was shot dead in Bahrain last Sunday (15 January 2017), even though he... more

EU ‘must be pro-active in defending human rights in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait’

ALDE MEPs have expressed their concern about the worsening human-rights situation in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain... more

Human Rights abuses in Bahrain cast shadow over £2m UK aid support

The government is facing fresh questions about Britain’s aid strategy after it emerged that a... more

UK trains Bahraini troops as May puts trade before human rights

British commandos trained Bahrain’s security forces in small arms and sniping tactics just two days... more

Washington’s Dilemma as Bahrain Snuggles Up to Putin

The first Trump cabinet discussion on Russia should be fun. Quite apart from the question... more

Don’t be surprised that Theresa May is visiting Bahrain – after Brexit, we’re in a Faustian pact over human rights abuse

In the bleak midwinter, who would begrudge a weary Prime Minister the chance to stock... more